Greetings from your state Capitol. I had a short visit with Steve Wilkerson from Douglas County. Steve was here with the Missouri Farm Bureau visiting representatives and senators. It’s always good to see people from the 155th here at the Capitol!
Last week the House passed to the Senate the following bills:
HB 1257 allows private businesses to give hiring preference for veterans.
HB 1266 establishes the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.”
HB 1368 changes the law regarding the Missouri Returning Heroes Education Act.
HB 1369 revises the definition of “service dog” to include animals that provide support or therapeutic functions for individuals with psychiatric or mental disabilities.
HB 1486 modifies provisions relating to work requirements for the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
HB 1516 specifies that licensed chiropractic physicians may treat and be reimbursed for conditions currently reimbursed under MO HealthNet.
HB 1574 modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses in collaborative practice arrangements.
HB 1633 modifies provisions relating to convictions of included offenses.
HB 1667 establishes a rebuttable presumption that child custody arrangements that award equal parenting time are in the best interest of the child.
HB 1832 changes merchandising practices and credit user protection law and creates the offenses of defacing a credit card reader and illegal use of a card scanner.
HB 1973 modifies provisions relating to agricultural storm water discharges.
HB 2031 specifies that anyone who knowingly misrepresents a dog as a service dog for the purpose of receiving the accommodations afforded service dogs under the Americans with Disabilities Act is guilty of a class C misdemeanor and liable for any actual damages resulting from the misrepresentation.
HB 2039 creates the “Missouri Route 66 Centennial Commission.”
HB 2183 modifies provisions relating to hospital licensure and regulations.
HB 2192 modifies the bonding requirement for the treasurer of a seven-director school district.
HB 2339 establishes the “Missouri Military Community Reinvestment Grant Program Act.”
Complete bill information can be found on the House website at house.mo.gov.
As always, it is a privilege to represent you in state government.