Ozark Countians named to MSU-WP honor lists

Several Ozark Countians were included when Missouri State University-West Plains recently announced its chancellor’s list and dean’s list honorees for the fall 2017 semester. To qualify for the MSU-WP chancellor’s list, students must have earned a 4.0 grade point average for 12 or more credit hours taken during the semester. Students who maintain a 3.5 to 3.99 grade point average for 12 or more hours are recognized on the dean’s list.
Chancellor’s list
Ozark County-area residents named to the MSU-WP chancellor’s list were Mariah J. Lane, Alyssa N. Matherly, Baylea D. O’Dell, Dameon L. Shaw and Jeffrey D. Stuart, all of Caulfield; Kierstan M. Snider of Dora; Whitney N. Nash and Nicholas D. Woodward of Gainesville; and Alyssa J. Dillon of Tecumseh.
Dean’s list
Ozark County-area residents named to the MSU-WP dean’s list were Zoey E. Guffey and Haley C. Yeager of Bakersfield; Lana M. Church of Brixey; Shae N. Roberts, Makala D. Trail and Tressa M. Williams, all of Caulfield; Travis B. Hathcock of Gainesville; and Sarah E. Evans and Seth W. Evans of Tecumseh.