Teacher Placement Day set for Feb. 9 at MSU-WP

Area residents who are looking for a teaching position for fall 2018 are invited to attend the annual Teacher Placement Day to be held Friday, Feb. 9, in Gohn Hall, 603 W. Main St., on the Missouri State University-West Plains campus. The interviewing and application session is scheduled for 9 to 11:30 a.m., organizers said.
Hosted by the MSU Teacher Education Completion Program, the event offers students who are in their final semester of an education program and education program graduates the opportunity to meet with administrators from and apply for open positions in school districts in the MSU-WP seven-county primary service area (Douglas, Howell, Oregon, Ozark, Shannon, Texas and Wright counties), as well as with administrators from north-central Arkansas districts.
This free event is open to MSU education program students and graduates, as well as students and graduates of education programs at other area institutions, organizers said. Officials from any area school district who would like to participate in the interview session should pre-register, organizers added.
For more information, call 417-255-7930.