Times Past, June 19, 2024

For more than 100 years, this grand house stood on what is now County Road 902 northwest of Theodosia. It was built by Joseph Everett Peacock sometime before his death in 1901 at age 39. Joseph had shared the home with his wife, Florence Emeline Maritt Peacock, and their four children. In 1903, the widowed Florence married her widowed brother-in-law, Henry Kelly Derrick, whose first wife was Joseph’s twin sister, Eliza Ann Peacock Derrick. Eliza had died six days before her 30th birthday in 1892, after giving birth to twins, who survived only seven months. Kelly brought his three surviving children to the second marriage, making the combined family of seven children both first cousins and step-siblings. Together, Kelly and Florence had four more daughters: Jessie, Glessie, Leah and Flossie. Those pictured are, front row, from left: Florence and Kelly Derrick and his three children, Lou, Joseph and Millie Derrick. Back row: Florence’s four children: Edith, Leroy, Arthur and Kelley Peacock. Later, Kelly Derrick had the second floor of the house removed, perhaps fearing a fire. On Oct. 21, 2019, a large tree fell on the house during a storm, damaging it beyond repair. This photo is from the collection of Sally Lyons McAlear, who suspects it may have been taken on Kelly and Florence’s March 7, 1903, wedding day, because Kelly’s daughters are holding bouquets of flowers. The little girl in the white dress, Edith Peacock Edmonds (1891-1948), was Sally’s maternal grandmother.
Ozark County News
June 21, 1883
The number of sportsmen increase daily at the pigeon roost.
Ozark county farmers are finding that corn and small grain are more profitable than cotton. . . . We are glad to note that no farmer in this county, so far as we know, is raising cotton as a crop this year. Grain and livestock are the safest and best things for the farmers of this region.
FOR SALE - A sixty-saw Cotton Gin, of the E. Carvor & Co's make. Good as new. Makes a first-class sample of lint. Cost $500. Will be offered for sale . . . at $100 on easy terms. WOOD & REED
Ozark County Times
May 15, 1903
Kelly Derrick and wife, of Lutie, were in town Sunday night, guests of Marion Haskins.
June 17, 1904
The West Plains baseball team came over here last Friday to secure the scalps of the Gainesville Blues, but in this they failed. Still, they put up a nice game. There was quite a large crowd out to witness the contest. . . . Score: West Plains 5, Gainesville 12.
June 15, 1944
Loyd Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Martin of Dora, Mo., was honored in Kansas City last week when the War Department gave him a medal for working for the Government on the Missouri River for 15 years. He was the only man who got such medal. . . . He says he intends staying another 15 years. He has a son, Pat, in the army in North Africa, and a brother, Tan, in New Guinea.
June 17, 1954
Construction was completed on four new business buildings here in Gainesville last week. The buildings are located on the east side of the square and were built by Joe Bill Blisard of Gainesville and Denver Roller of Little Rock, Ark.
June 18, 1964
Earl Holmes will be installed as president of the Gainesville Lions club to succeed M. J. Luna at a joint installation ceremony next Tuesday night here at the ball park grounds. The new officers of the Dora and Theodosia clubs are expected to be installed at the same time. Bob Usrey will be the installing officer.
June 20, 1984
The Crossroads Country Music Park, at the junction of Highway 181 and Route H near Dora, will present a talent contest, the Ozark Country Music Showdown, on Saturday and Sunday June 23-24. . . . The first place winners will receive six hours of recording time sponsored by the Thayer Music Store and Studio.
June 16, 2004
A new pavilion was recently built at Howard Ridge Cemetery. The pavilion was built by Johnny Kirkland, Johnny Baxter and others on land donated by Charly Brown. The next project planned for Howard Ridge Cemetery is restoring the old church building.