Community Items
It seems time flies when you get older. Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is over, and next Santa Claus is coming to town. And I forgot deer and turkey seasons start in September and end in January. We are busy people!
We certainly can’t complain about the weather because we’ve had so many...
Burning trash is a big concern these days as we haven’t had any rain for some time locally and things are very dry.
How nice to have a Monday morning phone visit with neighbor Jerry Miller. She took the time to catch up on our activities. Many folks don’t slow down enough for a neighborly visit....
Still no rain. The weather changes nearly every day. Warm days and cool nights.
We hope everyone had a good holiday. We went to Travis and Sarah McConnaughy’s for Thanksgiving dinner. The food was great. Travis cooked the turkey on the outside grill. Those attending included Paul and I, Chris,...
Our thoughts and prayers are sent out for all servicemen and women serving our country who are not able to be home with their families during the holidays.
Sandi Chrietzberg Richards came from Ben Wheeler, Texas, and stayed until Sunday with her best friend, Kris Luebbert. Allen Lueppert and his...
The Center will serve its regular first Sunday fried chicken dinner fundraiser from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Dec. 3. The meal includes a beverage and dessert. The cost is $8 for adults and $5 for children under 10 years of age.
Come and enjoy a delicious dinner while supporting The Center. For more...
The last little shower of rain gave us .03 inches of rain. Every little bit helps.
One evening Paul dug some holes for the two bunches of mums I had gotten from Richard.
We went to MFA in West Plains Tuesday evening to get some mineral and salt feeders. We ate supper at the Ozark Cafe where Paul...
By the time many of you read these items, Tom Turkey will have made his supreme sacrifice for the traditional Thanksgiving dinner far and wide.
Happy birthday to my great-grandson Keith Davis of Udall today, Nov. 22. He’s 38. He and his daughter Jaycee keep in close contact; she is a teenager...
Lunch is served daily from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. The cost is $6 for those younger than 60; a $3.50 donation is requested for those over 60. Call 679-4746 to order take-out for 25 cents more.
Wednesday, Nov. 15: stuffed peppers, mashed potatoes, roll, brownie....
My nephew Jonathan Aronis and Brother Dale Roberts visited me Monday morning. Jonathan is a home health therapist working out of Springfield. He and Brother Dale came about the same time, and it was good to see each of them.
I read in an area newspaper of a conservation representative who had bull...
We appreciated the rain that came last week. Just need lots more to put water in the ponds.
Deer season has been open since Saturday and ends the 2lst. It looked like there had been a bunch killed. We came by the high school where the check station was. The vehicles were lined across the parking...